I have been using a camera since early years in high school. Photography has always been a passion with me whether it be the rolling waves of the ocean or a new born baby...nature or humans...domestic or wild animals. I see the earth and all that is in it with what I call "a photographer's eye" as though viewing everything through the lens of a camera. At times I get lucky and am blessed with an outstanding photo. At other times, I am my worst critic. As T.S. Eliot states: "I grow old, I grow old"...but as long as I can see, hold a camera, and push the shutter, I will stay young in my endeavors to create a lasting memory, a memorable scene, or a moment in time...all for posterity because of the ever-evolving world of photography. Times have changed since high school, and the digital world has made us all photographers. Go grab a camera, choose your subject, frame it in the viewfinder, focus, and have your moment of posterity.